Saturday, July 13, 2013

Traversing Kansas

We spent a hot, muggy night outside Topeka and then started to cross the rest of Kansas today. We were going to stop in Hays for the Natural History museum there, but the temperature rose to 108 degrees. We were worried about leaving the cat in an un-air-conditioned trailer, so we kept going to Goodland. Since we arrived early, we enjoyed a swim. Tomorrow, we’ll head home.

A Washington Fourth

So how was the trip? We crossed four items off the bucket list: Winterthur, the 4th of July at the National Mall, the Air and Space Museum annex, and driving the entire Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway. We learned a lot about the President’s from Washington to Eisenhower.  We enjoyed our time with Laura and met her boyfriend, Greg. It was fun to visit Gettysburg, Williamsburg and Jamestown after 20 years. But we should pick some cooler month than July next time.

A video of the trip with more movies and pictures is available on youtube.


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