Sunday, March 10, 2013

Vung Tau

Trying to stay white

We visited the sea side resort of Vung Tau, crowded with Saigon residents for the weekend. All those scooters were parked near the parks and bars. Most people were relaxing in the shade, the few in the water wore T-shirts to stay white.

Daos Temple

Our first stop was a Chinese temple dedicated to whales (good luck for fishermen). Nearby was a Daos temple to worship  your ancestors. On top of the hill was the White Palace first used by the king, then the French, and now a museum displaying Chinese pottery found in a nearby sunken ship.
We went to visit a Vietnamese pagoda with a prostate Buddha and the monk ringing a bell periodically. Then onto the beach and the last stop a huge statue of Jesus on the hill.
John, our tablemate, recognized this seaside resort because his ship was stationed off the coast for several months during the Vietnam war.

Reclining Buddha

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