Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lake Masek

Lace of Flamingos
Our lodge is just east of the border between Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Today, we explored the land around this lake and Lake Ndutu a little further along. We explored the lace (flock) of flamingos we could see from the veranda - the closest we've been able to approach them. There was also a wallow of twelve Hippopotamus (which we had heard all night long). A little further along we ran into lots of elephants including a male with a massive penis. Soon we happened upon a bat-eared fox lying outside his den. But the highlight of the day was a leopard up in a tree. He was lying on his stomach with all four legs dangling below the branch. We spent about 15 minutes watching has a we moved closer and closer, but he barely moved. Occasionally he would lift his head or open his eyes, but it was clearly time for a cat nap. Behind him we could make out part of an antelope kill. Leopards bring their kill up into the tree to eat undisturbed.
Leopard in a tree
During the morning we also spotted some birds: our best close-up of a Lilac Breasted Roller, Tawny Eagle, Spotted Thick Knee, and a Long Crested Eagle. We also had a variety of antelope: dik-dik near our camp, Steenbok, Marshbuck, and Hartebeest. This afternoon we have some leisure time before our long day going through the Serengeti tomorrow.
Lilac Breasted Roller
That evening Richard had a birthday party with cake and singing for Mary, Flo, and Nancy all who have birthdays in earlier November.

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