Monday, September 27, 2010

To Ouray

Fall Colors on Monarch Pass

Today was mostly a travel day. We headed southwest from Denver on US 285. The aspen were displaying their colors on Kenosha pass where we stopped for lunch. But the highlight of the day was going over Monarch pass on US 50. The colors were a mix of green, yellow, and orange. Every time we took a corner a new view of aspen against the dark green of the conifer trees would arise. The river banks were also covered in yellow cottonwood trees.
We reached Ouray about 5 PM. Ouray is surrounded by mountains on 3 sides. It is often called the little Switzerland of Colorado because of the nature of these peaks. We had just enough light left to visit Box Canyon Falls. The falls drops about 200 feet here in a narrow, 20-foot wide canyon along the fault line. You can't see much of the falls, but you sure can hear it.
Dinner was at the Main Street Restaurant, a nice family place. Time to call it a day.

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