Thursday, July 1, 2010


Petrozavodsk is the capital city of the Republic of Karelia. The name means Peter's factory, it established to build cannon during the war with Sweden. Today, it is a town of 260,000 people with 2 factories: one for making paper machines and another for tractors. But the tractor factory just closed. The city was occupied by the Finns during World War II and most of the early wooden buildings were destroyed. In the 50's many stone buildings were built with 50 meter square apartments (500 sq feet). We toured the town, not for its artistic value, but to see a small Russian city.
In the afternoon, we talked with two University students attending one of the 2 Universities in town. They enjoy free schooling plus a small stipend since they had high grades on their exams. Dorms are spartan with unisex showers. These 2 young men were studying English with ambitions for a high paying job in the area - possibly interpreters or a tourist guide. Teachers here make $400/mo, a high paying job is about $1300/mo. though salaries are four times higher in Moscow. It was very clear that this is a male dominated society since they clearly were expected to be the breadwinners (can't afford to teach). They also noted that most Russians ignore politics, particularly in comparison to Americans they meet.
Before dinner, we attended a Karelian folk show. Lots of blond singers and dancers and an interesting square string instrument called a kantele.

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