Monday, June 23, 2008

Cats and new antelope, Kafue NP, Zambia

Early on we saw defassa waterbuck, puku (like an impala without the white streaking and M on its butt) and oribi, only 2 feet tall at the shoulder and about 30 lbs.
But as we were jeeping I saw the silhouette of a cat in the bushes next to us. We had come upon 6 cheetahs walking through the brush. Neither our tour leader nor any of the guides had ever seen more than 4 at a time, so this was a rare sighting.

Four of our six cheetahs

We saw a variety of birds and trees and then on the way back found a pride of 4 lions, a young male and 3 females. This pride had been commonly found about 1/2 mile from our camp.

On the evening drive, we revisited our lion pride and then were discovered by tsetse flies. They became a constant nuisance, everyone slapping them away with an occasional bite until the sun finally set. We returned in the dark, searching for leopards. Just before reaching camp there was a leopard in the road. We called the other vehicle and together followed it through the brush, getting several sightings of the leopard. Six cheetah, 4 lions, and a leopard all in one day (not to count the hundreds of tsetse flies).

4 Lions watching the antelope

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