Sunday, April 13, 2008

Canyon Texas

We can tell we're in bible country, almost nothing is open on Sunday! Our visit for today was the Panhandle-Plains Museum in Canyon, Texas. This museum has a little of everything - fossils, the history of petroleum industry, autos, rifles, history of the area, art, etc. We learned quite a few things. For example, this used to be the Great American Desert, but it was the investion of the wind mill which provided water and converted this area for ranching and farming - they had an interesting exhibit on the history of the wind mill. There was also a lot information on the ancient buffalo - modern buffalo have relatively small horns, the older the species, the wider the horns were. Some of the fossils had horns that were almost 8 feet wide. Finally, we've all heard how Henry Ford said "you can have any color, as long as it is black" of the Model T. Why black? It's because black enamel dried faster than any other color, allowing higher throughput in the factory. Amazing what little tidbits you can learn!