Sunday, December 22, 2024


Merlion in downtown Singapore

We were off the ship by about 8:00 AM and did a tour of Singapore in the morning, since our flight didn’t leave till 6:30 PM. Singapore is an island about 50 by 25 km. Seventy-five percent of the population is of Chinese descent. Singapore is an example of how a city should function: clean, little graffiti, great public transportation, effective health care, and lots of parks and green areas. We visited the modern downtown area and the historic European and Chinatown sections of the city. The law requires that all buildings get a fresh coat of paint every six years to keep the well-maintained look of the city. In the Chinese section we visited both a Buddhist temple and a Hindu temple. 

A top the Hindu Temple

The highlight of the tour was the Orchid Garden with 60,000 orchids including 1000 species and 2000 hybrids.

Singapore's Orchid Garden

A video of this trip is available on Youtube


This was not one of our better trips. We both got sick during the trip. For some reason, we met fewer people than normal. We asked for first seating, and we were the only couple at a table for eight.  Loved our waiters but missed out on conversation with others. We found the traffic and pollution of Indonesia to be difficult to deal with. We were both surprised that Bali was so crowded. If you stayed at a beach resort, you would have a different impression. The highlights were my visit to Mount Bruno on Java and the VW Safari around Bali. Having a driver and guide dedicated to us was a real treat.  

Friday, December 20, 2024




We woke up at 5:30 AM to sail past the Krakatoa caldera. This volcano is famous for its 1883 explosion, the equivalent of 13000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs. The explosion was heard as far away as Alice Springs, Australia. At least 36,417 people died, and many more thousands were injured, mostly from the tsunamis that followed the explosion. The eruption destroyed two-thirds of the island of Krakatoa. The caldera today has several islands that are above sea level. The last major eruption was in 2018. We could see steam coming up from one of the low-lying islands in the caldera.

Steam escaping on right
Singapore History

Singapore began as a fishing village named Temasek. Legend has it that a Malay prince was shipwrecked here, saw a lion, and considered it good fortune. Singapore stands for Lion City and was established in 1323. It became a major trading hub, but the city burned down in 1613. Thomas Raffles, an officer of the British East India Company, established a trading post here in 1819. The city had over 10,000 inhabitants in 1822, with a mix of cultures and a chaotic use of the land. That same year the Jackson plan was established creating four towns: European, China town, Indians in Chulia Kampong and an Islamic town in Kampong Glam.  By 1880 there were 80,000 inhabitants, half of whom were Chinese. The city became a British Crown Colony in 1867. In 1939, a British Naval base was established, and guns were placed along the seacoast because of the threat from Japan, fuel tanks were established, but no naval fleet was sent. The Japanese attacked Malayasia on December 8th, 1941. Rather than attacking Singapore by sea, the Japanese came down the Malay peninsula through the dense jungles  using bicycles. This allowed them to quickly traverse the jungle. The Allied troops withdrew to Singapore on January 31st. Rather than attacking Singapore by sea, the Japanese used collapsible boats to cross to the island from the peninsula. They quickly gained control of the water supply on the island, forcing the surrender of 35,000 allied troops on February 15th, 1942. They slaughtered 70,000 Chinese in the next few weeks. The British took back the colony after the war, but the move for independence had begun, since they had failed to protect the citizens from the Japanese. The island became independent in 1959.  It spent 1963 to 1965 as part of Malayasia, but major disputes arose since Malayasia gave few rights to those of Chinese origin. Singapore returned to a nation state in 1965 and built a strong national identity and an economy based on manufacturing, finances, and trade.

Singapore's Marina Bay Hotel

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Jakarta, Indonesia


Children playing their instruments

Today we did the half-day tour of Jakarta. Jakarta is the melting pot of Indonesia with most of the ethnic groups represented in its 20 million people. We began the tour at the grade school that Barak Obama attended for 2nd and 3rd grade. He lived in Jakarta those years after his mother married his stepfather, an Indonesian. The children there played traditional instruments, others danced for us, and of course we were asked questions so they could practice their English. I was asked my name, where I lived, what work I had done, my hobbies, and how old I was. They were surprised that I was 75.

Praying in Istiqlal Mosque
Our next stop was the Catholic Cathedral of Jakarta, built in 1901 on the site of the previous cathedral that burned in a fire and eventually collapsed. For a cathedral, it was a very simple church. We then walked to the Istiqlal Mosque across the street. A friendship tunnel under the street connects the two. The mosque is the largest in Southeast Asia holding 120,000 worshippers.  It was designed by a Catholic who won the architectural competition. It was built between 1961 and 1978. We were able to tour the inside of the mosque.

Altar in Chinese Temple
Then on to a walk of Chinatown and a visit to some Chinese temples. For about 50 cents a bird, you could release the birds for your good fortune. Our guide demonstrated the ritual to ask the gods about an important choice in your life. It involves the selection of a numbered stick and then receiving the interpretation for that stick. Her result was "Her wish would be quite costly".

Port of Batavia
Our final stop was the old port of Batavia, the former name of Jakarta. Here there ere wooden boats loading up for trade among the local islands. The entire dock area had flooded only two days earlier so we saw quite a lot of debris and mud. The dykes were about 4 feet high. Parts of Jakarta are sinking at the rate of 20 to 30 centimeters per year. This is one of the reasons that the country is considering the move of its capital to a different island.

We spent a lot of time in traffic today. While that has been a problem in most large cities here, this was the worst. The average commute time from the suburbs to the city is 2 hours, twice a day.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Semarang, Java, Indonesia


Borobudur Temple

We were supposed to do a half day tour of the sights in this city of 1.6 million people. But I’m having intestinal problems today and felt that 5 ½ hours on a bus with no bathroom would not be a good choice. At the port talk, we learned that the most interesting tour we could haven taken is to Borobudur. This is the largest Hindu temple in Southeastern Asia, a UNESCO world heritage site.

Leaving Semarang

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Indonesian History Lesson


We’re at sea today. Our lecturer gave us a lesson on Indonesian History. The word comes from Greek meaning “Indian Island”. In 1891, a partial skull, tooth, and leg bone were found here  1 to 1.7 million years old, homo erectus which went extinct about 100,000 years ago. About the 8th century, wet field rice cultivation was discovered, allowing 2 to 3 harvests per year compare to on harvest of dry field rice. The first kingdoms were established in the 1st century AD. The most important kingdom was the Majahpahit from 1292 to 1527. Trade with India and China became important. Buddhism came with the trade. This was followed by the introduction of Hinduism, Then in the 13th century, the Moslem faith became predominant.

In the 16th century, the Portuguese, Spanish, English, and Dutch came searching for spices to flavor their bland food. The heart of the spice islands was the Maluku islands of Indonesia. The Dutch East India company was established in 1610. The Dutch government took over the company in 1800. They found that to stay profitable, they required 20% of the farm land to be used for export crops like coffee, sugar, tea, and peppers. The Dutch treatment of the natives was cruel and led to starvation. In the early 1900’s movements for independence started to form. But in January 1942, the Japanese invaded making things much worse. The population declined for the first time during those war years. The Japanese sent many Indonesians as forced labor on the “Burma Railway” linking Thailand and Burma.  Eventually after the Japanese understood they were going to lose the war. They began training the Indonesians as an army and as government elite who could run the country. The Dutch expected to take back the country but accepted Indonesian independence in 1949. General Sukarno became its first president with an established parliament. In 1957, he introduced guided democracy, reducing the Parliament’s power. He joined the non-aligned nations trying to balance East and West. But foreign aid from the west was reduced and the economy had super inflation. In 1967, General Suharto toppled Sukarno and ruled for 30 years. During the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and 1998, there were massive riots and democracy returned. Indonesia is now the third largest democracy.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Lembar, Lombok Island


We had no plans to tour sights on Lombock Island. Our port is 12 km. from the nearest town and most of the sights were even farther. The fun part of the day was seeing the crew’s families come aboard, this would continue for the next two ports. Most of the staff are Indonesian in their early 30s so the kids and wife come aboard, often with parents. The crew members give them a tour of the ship, take pictures, and talk. When we get to Jakarta our waiter is going to visit his home for a couple of hours. Given that the crew works for eight months on and four months off, having a visit to an Indonesian port is special.

Mary with our cabin steward and his family

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Komodo Island


Komodo Dragon

We’re moored off the coast of Komodo Island, home of Loh Liang National Park, established in 1980 to preserve the 3700 Komodo Dragons who live here and several surrounding islands. Approximately 2000 people also live on these islands. We walked one of the trails in the park for 90 minutes. We saw seven dragons in the forest near a waterhole which attracts animals. When a baby Komodo breaks out of its egg, it seeks protection from predators (including adult dragons) by climbing a palm tree and finding shelter in a hole in the tree. From here they feed on insects and small animals until 3 to 4 years old. Only five percent of the eggs make it to maturity of 7 to 8 years. The males can live as long as 60 years. They feed on other lizards and even the Timor deer we saw in the forest. They blend in with their surroundings and then can run as fast as 12 mph to bite their prey. The bacteria in their saliva will kill the deer. They can track the deer by their scent from as far as 5 km.

Dragon Nest
The animals are usually solitary except during mating season in June and July. The females will build a nest digging a hole about a meter deep where she will lay 20 to 40 eggs. The nest we saw on the trail was originally made by an orange footed scrubfowl.  The female dragon will guard the nest for a couple months until the rainy season in October. The eggs hatch in April. Sex is determined by the temperature of the egg. Today there are 3 males for every female. We finished our walk on the beach where we saw four Timor deer and another three dragons.

Timor Deer